Back by popular demand! Our new, improved, Pole Mount Adapter is done! This great invention allows you to put your LIl Sweety and XL Hummingbird feeders in your garden, in the yard, on your deck, or anywhere you want - without hanging the feeder. It's also a large ant moat. Simply push any 1" diameter pole, pipe, or post into the ground, slide the Pole Mount Adapter onto the pole, fill it with plain water (to block ants), then slide the feeder onto the Pole Mount Adapter. It also works with our new Butterfly feeder.
Get your birds up close and personal. This window hook holds both the Lil Sweety and XL hummingbird feeders perfectly all Summer long, as well as through Winter for your seed feeders.
$10.95 ea.
$7.95 w/purchase of a feeder.

Window hanger videos
Hummer Helper Nesting Kit
Encourage hummingbirds to nest in your yard by offering them premo building materials with Hummer Helper Nesting Kit. It's easy to hang on a shepherd's hook, branches, or just about anywhere. The Nesting Kit comes pre-filled with all natural cotton that's completely safe for birds because there are no long fibers or chemicals. Plus it's super soft for lining their tiny nests. Pre-cut refills are available, too. Rain doesn't hurt it and it dries out quickly. Never offer dryer lint for nesting as it can contain chemicals and long fibers/hairs, which are deadly for birds. (10-1/2" x 6-1/2" x 3/4")
Easy, pre-cut refills for the Hummer Helper Nesting Kit. All natural cotton.
Hummingbird Bling Swing
While hummingbirds are super fast and active in flight, they all must rest. Contrary to what many people think, hummingbirds perch 30-80% of every day. Providing perches for hummingbirds is a simple and easy way to invite them to stay a little longer in your yard. If you're a little short on shrubs or trees for nearby perches, a swing might be just what they need to keep a close eye on that feeder. These are the same, super tough material as our feeders. They are UV stable so they won't fade, shrink, crack, or deteriorate. And, of course, they have our unconditional lifetime guarantee.
2 for $6